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August 02, 2004

Company's coming!

Here at Casa de Special Project we’ve been preparing for our next wave of visitors. El Jefe is dropping in on Thursday for a long weekend. After that Fabulous Babe’s sister and family arrive next Friday. My advice if you want to visit: book early. *chuckle*

Fabulous Babe has been having some trouble with her efforts to mend. Nothing doctor worthy but she’s very aware of her limits. Lifting Jack in and out of the car twice seems to be the extent of what she can do. This limitation collides violently with her desire to get out of the house however. (She’s getting cabin fever.) She has been getting caught up on Doctor Phil much to my horror.

My grandfather has been ill of late. Last week there was a thought we might have to make a 15+ hour drive back to the homeland. He’s out of the hospital and we should hear something about the test results. That’s dependant on us having been granted a high enough security clearance by my grandmother. She’s tighter with information than the NSA. (She put the word “sneak” in sneakers.) Here’s a great example from last week:

“So his carotid artery is blocked.”
“How are they going to treat him?”
“When you say “medicine” do you mean medicine or surgery?”
“What does your definition of “surgery” mean exactly?”


It’s like trying to get information out of a hostile witness. Imagine what it was like when I was a kid. Other kids had Tinker toys; I had "Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy." (It's a book and a great tv series with Alec Guiness. Look it up.)

One of the cats, we’re not sure which, is in open rebellion since Jack’s arrival. No need to use the litter box when a nice section of the unfinished basement floor behind the furnace is available. I think its Aida but haven’t bothered to set up the camera to confirm. This may mean we have to go to two litter boxes. Oh Joy!

Jack continues to eat, poop and be merry. FB has expanded production and is now rivaling OPEC on daily output. God bless Medela’s founder, Olle Larsson. If alive I can only imagine him on a beach lighting cigars with the local currency. He must have Scrooge McDuck’s 3 cubic acres of money.

Posted by Jim at 11:06 PM

August 03, 2004

Racetrack update...

I've not mentioned the Racetracks in a while but you should know that all is well. They're healthy and Kate is growing like a weed.

We had dinner with them Saturday night at the joint they tipped us off to a few months back. It's Las Margaritas in Hastings. (2100 Vermillion St. South (Hwy 61.)) Good food and amazing service which puts it about a dozen notches above most of the restaurants around here. They even go to the effort of turning high chairs upside down to hold the modular car seats that Jack and Kate travel in. If you're passing though Hastings it is worth stopping by.

After dinner we went to the local Drive In to see "The Village" which was ok. (Nothing fantastic but great atmosphere.) The Drive In is slated for destruction in a year or so and we have to make as much use of it now as we can.

Mr. Racetrack was busy before the movie started sticking his tongue out at Kate. It was fun to watch but I have twinges of jealousy. The interaction is beyond Jack at this point but I'm dying to have that interplay with him.

At one point during the movie Fabulous Babe was forced to make use of the Uddermaster 9000. I told Mrs. Racetrack that for a quarter I would let Mister Racetrack have a peek at the operation in progress but she declined. So much for my attempts to cover the costs of the darn thing.

A storm caused us to leave before we could witness the spectacle of "I, Robot" and behold he who has brought about the "Willenium". Probably for the best I imagine.

Posted by Jim at 11:33 PM

August 06, 2004

El Jefe has arrived...

El Jefe arrived for a long weekend yesterday. Fabulous Babe picked him up and, by the time I got home, had already drafted him into holding Jack on his lap.

It's going to be a long fun weekend. He's set to have some R&R and it's always great to see our friends. (I would point out that all guest rooms have free broadband access.) I'll update regularly.

Jack slept well last night and offered few interruptions which was a pleasant change from the usual. When I left this morning he was fast asleep in the arms of my barely awake wife.

Posted by Jim at 08:01 AM

August 09, 2004

The weekend...

A busy weekend for all here. El Jefe is working on an entry which we'll be posting soon. (I'm awaiting word of his safe arrival.)

Meanwhile life went on as normal. Proof? Here's a shot of Jack post bath from Saturday.


The little stinker is usually pretty quiet in the bath. (He now watches himself in the mirror with great fascination.) However once you pull him out of the tub he lets loose with wails of discomfort. Even the comfy warmth of his yellow hooded bath towel was to no avail.


Here's Jack in the arms of El Jefe. Jack's made huge progress in the vision department and now regularly stares at things or people when they speak. Of the two shots I took this was the one that really stood out. The half smile is a pretty good indicator of El Jefe's character.


Finally the action shot of El Jefe, Jack and Aida. Jack is sporting his usual "post nap" hair while El Jefe is trying to ignore Aida blowing into his ear. This one has something for everyone.

Posted by Jim at 11:34 AM

August 10, 2004

And now a word from El Jefe and my weekend in Minnesota

Ahem, I've known Jim for almost 5 years from when we worked together on the west coast. Jim kept the business profitable, while I did my best to stay outta the way. He's a great guy and a great friend. I was truly honoured when he and Fabulous Babe asked me to be Jack's godfather. My role in the Special Project will be ongoing, kinda like a consultant that never goes away.

[Great. Another consultant that never stops billing. Ed.]

I travel a lot, at least 2-3 trips a month and easily 500,000 miles in the last 10 years, touching in the range of 35 countries. I love travelling, whether business or pleasure, on planes, trains, or motorbike (even the odd camel). I'm excited by visiting different places and meeting new people. The smell of jet fuel is an aphrodisiac to me (what'd ya expect?I am a friend of Jim's after all). Suffice to say, I thought I'd been around. Well, nothing I've seen or done in the past years has come close to resembling the wonders of Minnesota.

Lost in Translation
Minnesota is an interesting place and being from Canada, strangely familiar in some ways, and eerily strange in others. It's little things:

Talking.--At first I wasn't sure what language it was, but it's English...people talk with lots of 'Os' and 'yeahs' and 'yabetchas'.

To a Fault--People are very very friendly, 'Minnesota Nice' I think is the term. I've never seen more polite people. Really.

Crockpots.-- ok I am single and maybe slightly sheltered, but was quickly made aware that Crockpots were a requirement in every MN home.

[Wisconsin too. Ed.]

Diversity.--This state is the home of Prince, Scotch tape, Wheaties, and Tonka Trucks. I felt right at home in places like Woodbury and St. Paul as people were so friendly when I walked by, they'd stop what they were doing and just look at me, made me feel special.-That's all I'll say about that.

[At dinner on Thursday night El Jefe realized his status as the only non-white person in the restaurant was responsible for the amount of attention he received. This soon caused him to exclaim "I win the prize!" Ed.]

Red Dragon.--Jim has a red Miata that the townspeople call the Red Dragon.

[I blame the movie "Old School". Ed.]

Dairy Queen.--Jim took us to the local DQ for a treat. I spent the next 6 next hours trying to recover from a peanut buster parfait induced sugar buzz...

The Family
I arrived at MSP for my long weekend and was greeted by Fabulous Babe and Jack. It was great to see Jack. I was whisked to the Casa de Project, a beautiful home with requisite MN accoutrements (home theatre, red sports car, great deck and backyard, 2 cats, but no Crockpot). Their place has a great running trail and I relaxed touring through the woods and seeing real live animals, even cows!

[City boy was also amazed by these things we call "birds" and "trees". Ed.]

Jim is a great Dad, he's going to be a greater Dad as Jack grows and learns about how cool, and smart, and caring his old man is. I can see they are 2 peas in a pod and I was in awe of Jim's showering of love and affection on Jack.

[That was a $50 well spent. Ed.]

Fabulous Babe is the Mom and a great Mom. She really has it together. She skillfully looked after the whole household, while chatting with Jack and comforting him, often exclaiming "oh look, he's smiling" or "how's my Baby Bunny". With Jim (and I) in the house she had added kid duty and was able to keep us fed and outta trouble.

Jack was the focus of our collective attention, and all I can say he's a star. A Gold star. I know babies, and Jack has something about him that screams star potential. During the few days that I visited I saw Jack grow right in front of me: His facial expressions were more controlled, his movements were more animated, and he was very alert. In addition to that, he makes his parents so happy. He makes them Really Happy. I am looking forward to being part of his growing up.

Beautiful Minnesota
Oh, I've been handed a question from our studio audience, let me read it "but Jefe, what did you do when you weren't hanging out at the Casa or going to the DQ with Jim?" Good question!

I spent Friday afternoon touring St. Paul and hung out on Grand Ave, sipped coffee and watched the fair people of the city promenade. There were a few interesting characters including the 'can I draw your portrait' man. He had a simple technique of accosting people and asking them if he could draw their portrait. People were very polite and declined him every time.

On Grand Ave I did my best version of Leno's Man on the Street routine quizzing college kids, retirees, and a tough looking cowpoke from N. Dakota on the better places to visit in the greater St. Paul/Minn area. Again, people were very polite, though I think I pressed my luck with the cowpoke when she started telling me about the local country bars.

Additionally, I was taken on whirlwind tours of Minn/St.Paul and the lake areas around the city. My beautiful, smart, witty tour guide (not Jim!) briefed me on the cultural nuances and dating habits of Minnesota and Wisconsinites.

[Remember I said he had a blind date a while back? Care to guess where she lives? *chuckle* Ed.]

We set a blistering pace (like it was a race or something) and hit the Uptown Art Fair, Minneapolis Sculpture Garden, Loring Park, and the Newsroom and Black Dog café³® We also went out to Taylor's Falls, Stillwater, and took a scenic drive around Lake Elmo. I was left speechless, my mind spinning, short of breath, with such beauty before me.

[Odds are that isn't the lake he's talking about. Ed.]

Monday Night
I'm now back home safe on the west coast. I can't wait to get back to see my 'family' in MN. It'll be soon, I hope!

Peace out. El Jefe

Posted by theotherjim at 12:33 AM | Comments (0)

August 11, 2004

Jack's namesake

I realize it isn't a picture of Jack but indulge me.

This is a picture of Jack's great grandfather and namesake.


I'm not certain of how old Jack was at the time but it is a wonderful photo. I think there is a resemblance between the two Jacks in the cheeks, ears and smile but maybe its wishful thinking. Time will tell.

Here is his birth announcement:


The last line gives me a good chuckle. I'm living it right now.

Posted by Jim at 11:53 PM

August 12, 2004

Hot Monkey Love

My oh my.

Interesting developments in the last few days on the El Jefe front. I received the following in my email yesterday. They're additional "points" for El Jefe's travel report.

"Talking.--At first I wasn't sure what language it was, but it's English...people talk with lots of 'Os' and 'yeahs' and 'yabetchas'."

[And we didn’t even take him up to Northern Minnesota… FB’s Gym Partner – a.k.a. El Jefe’s Blind Date/Tour Guide. BTW Jim, a big thank you for arranging that blind date. I owe you big time.]

Yup. El Jefe's blind date was FB's Gym Partner, Petunia.

How much does she owe me? Read on...

"[Odds are that isn’t the lake he’s talking about. Ed.]"

[Believe me, I was the one with the spinning mind and shortness of breath. Not to mention the fact that I’ve been described as “radiant” on several occasions this week. For someone like me who’s relatively reserved on the outside, this is a first time outward display of such happiness. ]

Oh yeah. She's got it bad.

When I spoke to Petunia about the weekend yesterday she was floating about 4 inches off of the ground. She also was blushing so much I would have been able to make Smores from the heat coming off of her cheeks. She was stammering and stuttering and finally said "I haven't felt this way since I was a teenager." (Wringing her hands and hopping back and forth on one foot.)


"I’m now back home safe on the west coast. I can’t wait to get back to see my ‘family’ in MN. It’ll be soon, I hope!"

[Also, stay tuned for a diary of some Canadian travel adventures, coming soon. Jim, if it’s true that you have a “Canadian” sense of humor, perhaps I’ll come back armed with better teasing material to keep pace with you.]

That's right. El Jefe and Petunia are off for a weekend in Banff next weekend. This whole business fills me with a number of feelings:

Happiness - I'm glad that my matchmaking was successful. They seem like a good couple.

Relief - With their behavior falling square in the "Hot Monkey Love" stage I no longer have to worry about finding a place for El Jefe to stay when we have Jack's baptism in October. I'm pretty sure that Petunia will take him in. I just hope that getting the two of them to come up for air isn't going to prove to be a problem. I suppose I can keep a firehose handy.

Agony - At one point yesterday Petunia mentioned that at some point in the weekend El Jefe said "If only Jim could see us now" or some such. Whatever the quote it wasn't the sort of thing you say while you're hiking, drinking coffee, etc. It is the sort of thing you say in a situation that I didn't ever want to contemplate or imagine my friends in which led to a Oedipal moment of wanting to blind myself.

Humor - When we left El Jefe with Petunia on Monday they were "headed to the airport." Fabulous Babe then ended up behind them for quite a while on her way home. When she saw them pull off into a residential neighborhood at high speed she later asked me what I thought was going on. (This before Petunia spilled the beans yesterday.) I simply started whistling the tune to "Afternoon Delight" which reduced both of us to tears of laughter. If it was the airport they were headed towards it is pretty clear it moved recently.

Jack there are some important things to learn here. Petunia yesterday was talking about clamping down on her feelings and trying to put them aside. I then forcefully pointed out that the whole purpose behind living is to cherish and accept these sorts of emotions due to their astonishing rarity. You never can tell how things will go in the long run but if you deny yourself the joy of someone caring about you deeply and returning that emotion in turn you're a complete idiot.

That's me. The life coach that makes Dr. Phil look wishy washy.

P.S. If it's been a while try to kick your own relationship into the Hot Monkey Love stage. If you've never left it then good on you.

Posted by Jim at 12:12 AM

August 13, 2004

Grace and Serenity

When I got home last night Fabulous Babe had endured a long day with Jack. His schedule was off so he was trying to sleep whenever he could get away with it. Instead of playing “Mr. Funny Faces” Jack was more interested in playing “Fill my diaper!” which he did 4 times over the course of a half an hour yesterday afternoon.

The Racetracks stopped by with Kate last night. During dinner she supposedly put on a command performance of yelling and crying but there is no way I can believe that the angelic child I saw last night could ever behave that way. (Amazing how a car ride will settle a baby down.) They were giving us tips on how to handle the upcoming shots that Jack faces in a few weeks.

The trials and tribulations over the baptism date for Jack were finally wrangled yesterday afternoon. Farmer Dad has crop considerations and once they and other things were weighed we came up with a date that seems to align with all schedules. It didn’t help with the overall stress level in Casa de Project however.

FB’s sister, Mary Jane Watson, and family arrive today for the weekend. It will be good to see Tall Princess and Number Two Billy Goat again. They’re 6 and 4 and interested to see Jack. I’ll take photos so prepare for a high level of cuteness this weekend. I also sense the deployment of the ridiculous amount of Hot Wheels track I keep handy for just such occasions. (Vintage including a 50 foot long straight piece.)

With his schedule off Jack was a pill last night. He didn’t want to lay down and no amount of walking, eating, burping, etc., was bringing peace to our household. When he finally settled down after midnight it was to our mutual relief.

This morning he started fussing about 5:30-6:00. FB tried taking things in hand but it was yours truly that discovered the culprit, a wet diaper. After a change in pants I decided to go for a change in scenery. I tucked the Swab under my arm in the bed and tucked him in. Within a few minutes he was quiet and finally passed out.

When I got up to leave this morning FB and Jack were passed out in the bed. Both were sound asleep. The last sight of the two of them as I left is where today’s title comes from. Here’s hoping that moment lasted for a while.

Posted by Jim at 07:55 AM | Comments (0)

August 16, 2004

Notes from the weekend

When I got home Friday the house was loaded. Fabulous Babe's sister and family had arrived. Along for the ride was Kate Racetrack who FB was taking care of until Mrs. Racetrack got home. It made for a loud, festive evening.

Saturday morning saw the girls going for a ride in the Miata. (Number Two Billy Goat announced: "Mommy! It's like a rocket!") I threw a few reverse S curves and a couple of low spin outs into each ride which was enough to give the girls a thrill. There is nothing is better than a 4 or 6 year old giggling like a maniac as she is pressed against the door on a 15 mph turn. Peter Parker asked Mary Jane if they could get one after his ride which was shot down with a withering gaze.

We trooped off to the Mall of America later which gave the moms a chance to shop for makeup and girly things. Peter was looking for guitar books. (I'm convinced he's going to start a suburban grunge band called "Rage against the Landscapers!") I got to play "Weird Uncle Jim" and lead the girls around the mall.

When we got home the girls, being so very clever, ambushed me with silly string in the back yard. (The stuff tastes awful.) Lo and behold Weird Uncle Jim had caught wind of the plot and after being covered in the stuff turned the tables with a two can assault of his own. (I had larger cans.) The look of dismay was priceless as Tall Princess went from victor to victim in short order. Much running and giggling followed.

Saturday night was our chance to have a nice night with Wonder Woman and hubby. (Jack stayed home with the family.) We had a great dinner and good company. When we got home it was off to bed.

Sunday saw the departure of F-Troop and a shopping run to Sams. (I really hate Sam's and miss Costco terribly. Where are you Costco? Why are you not closer?) After that we settled down into an afternoon of Olympic splendor with Jack.

Posted by Jim at 11:11 PM

August 17, 2004

The cattle are lowing, the baby awakes...

And little baby Jack what a racket he makes.

Our son is blessed with the ability to wake everyone within a block when he isn't happy. I know this because at night when he has undapants issues, starvation issues or just any sort of issues he lets us know with the clarity of an air raid siren.


Last night FB and I walked him for over an hour, rocking and singing to him in a bid to get him to settle down. At 4 and 6 we had command performances.

When he's asleep the halo around his head is as cute as can be. Unfortunately when he's crying the horns propping it up become a bit clearer to discern.

Posted by Jim at 01:05 PM

Jack: A photo essay

Comments by Jack...


Dear Diary,

The strange yellow star continues to light up and play music over my head. Will it ever stop? Oh how I hope not.


Another wonderful example of why dad should never hold me AND try to take a picture at the same time.
Focus man! Focus!


Mom, I love you. When's dinner?


Thanks dad. I look like I should be in front of a Cuban Nightclub band in the 50's: "Welcome to Happy Jack's Salsa Parade! It's time to DANCE!"

Posted by Jim at 10:48 PM

August 19, 2004

Hair Club for infants

Everyone has been telling us that Jack's hair is going to fall out and low and behold we think we've noticed some thinning. This depresses me greatly. I had entertained styling it a la Elvis, Wayne Newton or even Don Ho. Oh well.

Thursday saw us taking our first formal pictures of Jack. We've got high hopes but are braced for strange and unusual circumstances. The Racetracks took Kate for her first set of pictures and weren't thrilled with the results. ("Why is our baby laying sideways in the picture?") With our luck Jack will be a blur in all of them.

My first posed picture was in black and white. You can spot the distinctive drool stain on my clothes and my hair is a mess. (Go figure.) I've not seen Fabulous Babe's first posed picture but maybe the next time that her parents come up they'll bring it for me to scan and share.

Posted by Jim at 10:46 PM

August 26, 2004

You're still here?


Sorry folks. We've been pretty busy here. Between Jack's demands and other things I've been woefully neglectful. As part of an amends I want to present something long requested: a picture of the author.


This is the picture I had referenced a week or two ago. I have no idea how old I was. Probably 6 months or so. Mercifully the picture is black and white. I'll explain more tomorrow.

The other picture I wanted to post tonight is a picture of Jack's great grandmother:


That's Louise at around 10 or 12 by my best guess. I love this photo for any number of reasons: The look in her eye is still there today and hasn't diminished one bit. The sprig of hair that the hair clip can't control is a great portent of things to come.

More later. I'm off to bed.

Posted by Jim at 10:41 PM

August 30, 2004

Let's go to the Fair!

Fabulous Babe's parents arrived Friday afternoon for a dose of grandson. (Jack's like a magnet.) As part of the festivities it was decided that we should head off to the Minnesota State Fair.

If you've not been to the local Fair it's ok as State Fair's go. The obsession with unhealthy food on a stick is a bit scary but safe fun for all. We went two years ago and not much has changed.


This is Jack in what I am now calling the Lunar Lander. It was a bit chilly when we got to the fair and the boy was wearing that most fashionable of Minnesota accessories: layers.


That's Fabulous Babe once again proving why she is the red hot momness. That's her "hurry up and take the darn picture" look.

We arrived just in time to participate in the Baby Walk put on by the local radio station's afternoon show. There's a bit of explanation involved.

Joe, the host of "Garage Logic", will render judgement on baby names during the weekdays. This is to hopefully eliminate names like "Toyota" or "Lexus" or other expensive consumer goods from the pool of common baby names. (I haven't heard "Dewalt" yet but it's just a matter of time.) Names that pass inspection are hailed as a step in the right direction.

If your name falls outside of acceptable norms the host will offer commentary. (My favorite: "There aren't any Saints by that name.") Then your child's name is foghorned. (A sound clip of a foghorn blasts the hapless parent.) If the name is truly offensive you get the Duluth foghorn which is longer. (Reserved for children whose parents have foisted "Moonbeam" or similar on their child.)

The Baby Walk is a parade of children in front of a grandstand where you offer the name of the child and the host renders judgement in front of a crowd. (The audience will occasionally override with an appeal.) We decided we better check how we did.

We were 80 something in line and then we got to the front of the podium. I'm carrying Jack and Fabulous Babe is pushing the Lunar Lander. The co-host, Rookie, sticks the Microphone in my face and I'm on.

"John Burks but we're calling him Jack."

"Approved! How old is he!"

"7 weeks."

"He's the youngest baby we've had today!"

I think some more things were said but the rest was a blur. I turn around and make Jack wave to everyone. Jack looks around wondering what the heck is going on. We keep moving.

In honor of the moment we bought him a hat for the show that he wore for the rest of the day. (I tucked it into the headrest so it looked like he was wearing it.) Jack seemed pleased that his name was ok and he smiled the whole time. Granted he needed a pants change for some undapants action but that's typical.

Posted by Jim at 11:18 PM | Comments (0)

August 31, 2004

"He weighs how much?"

So Fabulous Babe took Jack to Doctor Molotov on Monday. The results were very encouraging.

Jack is over 24 inches long and a couple ounces shy of 13 pounds. His head and general movement is excellent and he seems to be developing into a perfect little boy.

The bad news? First round of shots which went over like you would expect.

It didn't help that a couple of days before I saw a piece on the news where British doctors have claimed to have linked early shots with developmental problems. (The evidence is overwhelmingly against this but you still worry.)

Never the less Jack pulled through just fine. Some liquid Tylenol helped ease through the pain and looked even better when barfed on one of my favorite In-N-Out t-shirts. *sigh*

Little stinker.

Posted by Jim at 10:02 PM

A day with Jack...

So how does our day begin?


Here we see Lord Poopypants as I greet him at 6:00 in the morning. Notice the Nuk ejection system has sent his beloved Nuk hurtling across the crib. When he is this soundly asleep you have to act quickly to change the diaper. I can usually get him changed and back to bed before he really has a chance to wake up.


Jack can hold his head up on his own now so tonight I turned him around in the Baby Bjorn and took him for a walk. 40 minutes later the Lord & Master of our house was falling asleep. (Hooray!) I asked Fabulous Babe to take a picture and we managed to catch him in mid yawn.

He's not rabid by the way. Those are simply bubbles and not a full rabies induced foam.

If you are contemplating having a child or have one and are debating a Baby Bjorn I can't recommend it highly enough. You can throw your tot into it facing you or turn them around so they can see the world. It's well engineered and well made.

Besides being practical as all get out the Baby Bjorn also comes with a great catalog that is a riot to read. Swedish to English via a bad translator has never read so well or so amusingly.

The other cool part was when one of the neighborhood boys ran up and said "Can I touch him?" I leaned toward him while flailing Jack's arms and growling menacingly. That caused the neighbor kid to jump backwards in terror which then caused the other kids around him to laugh at him for being scared by a baby. *chuckles*

I am SO dressing Jack in a Godzilla suit for a certain holiday at the end of October.


Here's Mr. Snicklefritches getting the 8:30 bottle from Mom. He's grown so much the girlie men sleepers he was wearing have all been culled and we're into larger sleepwear now. (The boy is like a weed.)

It's really a Seattle themed picture. The Snoopy sleeper came from FB's old co-workers in Seattle and the t-shirt she is wearing is from Pike's Place Market. All we need is the Space Needle.

*sigh* Momentary nostalga for Seattle *sigh*

Sorry. Won't happen again.

Posted by Jim at 10:32 PM

Remember. She agreed.

Sarah McLachlan meet everyone.

Everyone meet Sarah McLachlan.


Yes, I know. She's Canadian. That's not why she's here.

Fabulous Babe, like so many modern women, practically worships Sarah McLachlan. (Has all the CD's, saw here on the Lilith Fair tour, etc.) On Sunday we saw where she is going to be here in concert Saturday night. We talked about getting tickets and going but didn't really do anything more about it.

Sunday evening the Racetracks came over for dinner. Over dinner we discussed the concert and Mrs. Racetrack said that she would like to go as well. I commented that I was worried about the seats being sold out when Mr. Racetrack made a politically incorrect comment that caused snorting and laughing all around the table including some belly laughs from FB's parents:

"Sold out? It can't be! They're aren't that many lesbians and feminists in Minnesota!"

*rolls eyes* (Care to guess how hard Mrs. Racetrack thumped him?)

None the less I began my digging after dinner and found some tickets online. (Full story later.) I confirmed them Monday and all is set for FB and Mrs. Racetrack to have a great time Saturday night. They've had a hard year and the feminine bonding will serve them well. Our anniversary is Thursday and this is my gift to FB.

There is, however, a small catch: Fabulous Babe promised that the better the seats, the better the "good loving" I receive in the immediate future. The surprise factor is that FB is picking the seats up before the concert Saturday night and doesn't know where they are.


She agreed. Remember that. You're my witnesses.

Meanwhile can one of you do me a favor?


Can one of you let poor Sarah out of this box before Saturday night? Thanks.

Posted by Jim at 10:50 PM

Jack and Louise

I thought I might share one from the archives:


These are Jack's great grandparents, Jack and Louise. I don't think they were married when this picture was taken. If anything it looks like they are about to go out on a date.

I love this picture. It's got a great sense of when it was taken in the 1930's if you look at the clothes and hair. The two of them look like they're getting ready to go out on the town and the grins on their faces lets you know they'll have a good time doing it. (Whatever they ended up doing I can't imagine it dislodged his hair.)

When you see your own family in their twilight years it is often hard to realize that they too were once young and ready to take on the world. As Jack grows I can't wait to see who the fair maiden will be that will capture his heart. I only hope that, like his namesake, it is a love that will last a lifetime.

Posted by Jim at 11:26 PM