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August 09, 2004

The weekend...

A busy weekend for all here. El Jefe is working on an entry which we'll be posting soon. (I'm awaiting word of his safe arrival.)

Meanwhile life went on as normal. Proof? Here's a shot of Jack post bath from Saturday.


The little stinker is usually pretty quiet in the bath. (He now watches himself in the mirror with great fascination.) However once you pull him out of the tub he lets loose with wails of discomfort. Even the comfy warmth of his yellow hooded bath towel was to no avail.


Here's Jack in the arms of El Jefe. Jack's made huge progress in the vision department and now regularly stares at things or people when they speak. Of the two shots I took this was the one that really stood out. The half smile is a pretty good indicator of El Jefe's character.


Finally the action shot of El Jefe, Jack and Aida. Jack is sporting his usual "post nap" hair while El Jefe is trying to ignore Aida blowing into his ear. This one has something for everyone.

Posted by Jim at August 9, 2004 11:34 AM