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March 06, 2005

"Begone Mullet!"

Busy weekend here at the ranch. Fabulous Babe?s parents, Farmer Mom and Dad, came up to make sure we were treating the sole grandson well. When they picked him up he wasn?t sure what was going on but Mrs. Dawn told him all was well and then he warmed up. I would have paid good money to see him giving them the ?Exactly who the heck are you?? look.

Their arrival also gave me the last two votes needed to get Jack the haircut he needed. (Fabulous Babe already and conceded the argument but this clinched it.) Saturday morning was high noon for the Mullet.


Here?s Jack sitting on Fabulous Babe?s lap. That look to the side is him noticing the sound of the clippers for the first time. Wait for it?


HA! The time has come! Clippers and a comb! You can see Jack?s dismay but don?t fear for the boy. He didn?t cry once.


Tame the Mullet! Tame it! It?s all hands on deck as our sheep gets sheared. Jack was more bewildered than anything else that was going on.


I should point out that Jack?s hair is so fine that when it started coming down it reminded me of extremely fine fiber optic cable. The hairs were like little slivers of glass cascading down to the floor.

Notice the death grip Fabulous Babe has on the boy. No escape there son.


That?s the rat tail being cut off. Fabulous Babe saved it in a tissue but I for one don?t miss it one bit.


?Please. No photos.? This is as we were wrapping up. Jack did really well the entire time and didn?t really fuss much. Fabulous Babe was a wreck however claiming that he was no longer her Baby Boy: ?He?s my little man now!? I understand the difficulty in accepting the transition but he looks SO much better now.

Posted by Jim at March 6, 2005 10:26 PM


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