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February 23, 2005

Poop happens.

Fabulous Babe was fairly active with an online community of Moms to Be during the pregnancy. They posted on a message board pretty regularly, went through all the trials and tribulations together and now share their stories since their various blessed arrivals.

Last night Fabulous Babe mentioned that several of the moms in the group have mentioned that their kids are filling their pants pretty quickly. I won't say they're complaining but I think some of them were taken buy surprise. (Ladies, Hello! Eating solids!) *chuckle*

Jack's up to two fairly hideous poops a day now. The slot machine that is his backside never fails to surprise me. Sometimes you hit three lemons and get quantity. Sometimes you hit three cabbages and get a smell like a possum has died somewhere in your HVAC system. Other times you hit three Bars and, well, it’s what we lovingly refer to as a Level 10 Poop Emergency. A word of advice to you parents of newborns: you thought the merconium was bad? Just wait.

Jack’s somehow figured out how to time things so that he does something horrible in his pants just after I dress him in the morning, something so horrible it requires an outfit change. Sometimes it’s just easier not to shower until after he’s dressed.

Posted by Jim at February 23, 2005 10:42 PM


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