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December 18, 2005
"Like Molbaks with winterizing."
When we lived in Seattle we used to go to Molbak's all the time. It's a huge nursery in Woodinville that was family owned and operated. (Loads of great pictures to see here: Molbaks. )
The local version is Gerten's which is larger in size and sprawl. It's usually where I go for our plants and the staff is exceptional.
For our annual Christmas party I always head over for some decorative plants. Here's the centerpiece of our table:
I love the sight of a field of Poinsettias. There's just something peaceful about the sight and smell of all those plants that makes me relax. I could spend hours walking through the rows and brushing the leaves with the tips of my fingers.
Posted by Jim at December 18, 2005 08:55 PM