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December 25, 2005

"For me? No way!"

After a long night of Jack getting me up a few times and Fabulous Babe punching me once for snoring I managed to sleep in until 7:45. That's when Jack started waking and things went into high gear shortly after that. I had just enough time to get into a chair, start the video camera and grab one of the digitals before Jack came down.

His initial reaction to seeing Thomas was pretty funny. He stared at it and was nervous at first. Pretty soon we got him to sit on it and when we took him around on the track for the first time everything was fine. (He's not strong enough to hold the button down so we have to hold it for him.)


Jack opening a present with some help from mom.


Engineer Jack, future Rail Baron.


One of the packages was labeled "To Jack, From Ted Kaczynski" which drew a laugh from Fabulous Babe. Inside?

Two books that every boy should have growing up. If there's one thing I remember fondly from my childhood it's the memory of building my first improvised explosive device and coupling it with my first catapult.


Jack after managing to hold the button down himself.


A book from Farmer Mom and Dad or Farmer Grandma and Grandpa as the case may be. Jack got several books.


More happy Jack.


The start of one of our Christmas Traditions: Mommy made yummy fresh Cinammon Rolls this morning! When Fabulous Babe was little her mom used to do the same thing. Christmas is an awesome opportunity to start traditions and this is hopefully one of many.

I'll do a loot summary later.

Posted by Jim at December 25, 2005 01:29 PM


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