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November 20, 2005

"Yes. Yes I am still here."

Here's the deal...

Knowing we were going to be gone for an extended time I didn't like throwing it up on the website. I know I'm paranoid but at the same time you never know what sort of characters lurk about the internets.

So where did we go?

Fabulous Babe went one direction for work and I went an entirely different one.

Here's Fabulous Babe's destination:


Here's mine:


Do you see a contrast?

FB went to China for work. She left on Thursday and spent the weekend in Hong Kong with friends before heading off to Beijing. (We're not sure if she's going to go back anytime soon or not.) This picture is one that she took out of a taxi on her way past the Forbidden City. She has loads more but I need to get her to write up the trip before she forgets everything.

With my wife out of town for so long I made plans to journey back to Kentucky to visit my Dad and Stepmom in Western Kentucky and then my grandparents in Eastern Kentucky. Not quite the 19 hour flight that FB had but the drives were long and tedious.

Either way I'm back, blogging resumes and I have a ton of stories.

Glad to be home.


Posted by Jim at November 20, 2005 10:40 PM


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