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November 02, 2005

All hail the Pirate King!

Knowing the rush of after Halloween pictures I thought I would wait a day before posting these.

On Monday there was a party for all the kids at Miss Dawn's Day Spa for the Small and Troublesome. Costumes were mandated and so was parental attendance. When I arrived this is who greeted me:


That's right, the Pirate King! In full booted glory. (Boots to his hips actually.) Seeing a disaster in the making I took the overboots off and let him loose after watching him trip on them.


Here's Jack walking away. We ordered the costume and got one a bit big for him to try and get two years use out of it. The matching belt, sash and other things are ready for next year. The hat was a raging success though so I am very pleased that he took to it so well.


Miss Dawn served decorate it yourself cookies which was, *Ahem*, a bit messy. Jack finally broke down and started eating clumps of icing which explained his manic behavior after we got him home.

The rest of the night was pretty standard. We had 100+ kids, went through 8 pounds of candy. Jack went to about 4-5 houses and then it was off to bed.

All in all a very successful Halloween.

Posted by Jim at November 2, 2005 12:38 PM


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