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September 16, 2005

"Can we do a little more pre-planning on these hospital visits next time?"

I drove from my Dad's house to Fabulous Babe's parents farm on Monday. Just under 1000 miles which is just enough to make you want to not drive a car again for a very long time.

Early Tuesday morning, around 3ish, my Dad went to the emergency room. Shortly after arriving he underwent surgery.

I didn't find this out until late Tuesday. My stepmom was in NY visiting her mother so as soon as she heard she began the drive back. (No cell phone.) I found out when I called his business and one of the staff told me.

My dad is a lousy patient. He doesn't like to see doctors and certainly doesn't want to admit he's actually ill. It's genetic to a degree but I don't think I am quite as bad as he is.

Dad's illness Tuesday came as a complete surprise to me and really set things on edge for me. He's only 56 and I'll be damned if I'm ready to have him throw me any curve balls. I talked to him yesterday for the first time since the weekend he sounded tired and weak. My stepmom is saying that things are going well when I spoke to her but he's just not himself.

Maybe it's time for some stories about my dad.

I may, although he'll probably dig a moat to prevent it, go down to help when my dad gets out of the hospital. We'll see.

Posted by Jim at September 16, 2005 07:57 AM


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