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July 11, 2005
"You have to look pretty but I can't tell you why."
We let Jack go crazy on Saturday as we were getting ready for the party. Mostly it was just letting him go free range baby until it was time for his nap.
In the interest of those of you with dial up connections I'll add the rest of the post below. Then you can click on it and open it at your own pace. (I'll do this will all of the picture heavy entries from the weekend.)
Here’s Jack contemplating the stairs. It’s pretty clear he wants to climb them but so far he’s not stable enough to make it more than a few stairs up before he slips and starts to tumble.
The colorful ball next to his feet is a Sesame Street monstrosity that Jack and I picked up at Target that morning. It spins and wheels around and makes funny noises. When I take Jack to Target with me I walk down the toy aisle, pick items off the shelf and present them. Most things get a half hearted reaction at best. The ball brought out feverish clutching and I knew we had a winner.
Jack menaces yours truly in his best Godzilla fashion. I was laying on the floor playing with him when he decided to crawl over and tackle me.
At Target I found some suction cup frogs for our guest bath. (Currently Jack’s spa.) I’m sure that my Mother in Law will like the decorations the next time they’re here.
Slightly better view of one of the frogs.
After a while it was time to give Jack a bath before his pre-party nap. Here’s a picture of Jack doing something I remember doing when I was his age: chewing on the washcloth. Jack just started doing this about a week ago. I suppose it’s hereditary
He really is a sweetie.
With sharp pointy teeth.
In a desperate effort to stave off having to get out of bed we’ll sometimes give Jack some toys to fiddle with if he’s not drop dead tired when we put him to bed at night. This usually means that at some point in the middle of the night he drops them over the edge of the mattress and they wind up under the crib.
About a week ago Jack stood up in the crib, grabbed the mobile, and pulled which sent the small animals attached to it flying and Mister Inquisitive tumbling back. Since then Jack’s been playing with the animals and I now have an “under the crib” tool for getting the Nuks and Peek-a-blocks that are in out of the way spots. This was Saturday’s pre-nap harvest.
Just look at him. Dressed for a party he doesn’t even know he’s going to have. Of course Jack’s ready for anything: Jack’s got his Soggy Froggy and a spare Nuk.
Posted by Jim at July 11, 2005 10:59 PM