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February 28, 2005
"A Tim Hortons where?"
I've mentioned it before but here's proof:
An honest to gosh Tim Hortons in my old hometown. How bizarre.
For the record it's the only one in Kentucky and the furthest most Tim Hortons in North America. One of my high school classmates was on the little league baseball team they sponsor called the "Tim Bits".
While it's not proof of global warming it's most certainly proof that there is life after Arby's. (Which is what the location used to be.) With the demise of the local Krispy Kreme franchise a decade ago the donut business had been left to the wretched Jolly Pirate near the 911 emergency services building. I'm curious what Ashland's finest prefer: the products of scurvy dogs or great hockey players.
Posted by Jim at February 28, 2005 11:14 PM