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December 22, 2004

Christmas Prep Work

You say what? A winter storm moving into an area I'm supposed to be driving my wife and child through in a few days? Lovely.

Nag dabbit.

While I have plenty of faith in Indiana, Ohio and Kentucky’s local equivalents they aren't MNDOT. (The Minnesota Department of Transportation which is pronounced “Minn dot”.) MNDOT deals with ice storms, anywhere from 1-14 inches of snow a day and the occasional deer that needs to be plowed off to the side of the road.

Fabulous Babe has been pulling everything together for Jack and I’ve been sorting out the other stuff. Taking a 5 month old on the road gives a new meaning to “Logistics and Supply” and I’m thinking keeping the U.S. Army in Iraq supplied might be easier. There are bags of stuff positioned to be loaded and I haven’t even packed yet.

As I type this I’m uploading a few more CD’s for my new iPod. How can I hit the road without the “Best of Billy Idol” or Rush’s “Moving Pictures” on board? Madness I tell you. It’s like leaving the house without the seminal White Zombie work “Astrocreep 2000” which just isn’t proper form. It’s an interesting pile that includes Chris Issac, The Clash, The New Radicals, Cecilia Bartoli, Garbage, Louis Prima, Matthew Sweet, The Coors, Frank Sinatra, Guns and Roses, Martin Denny and the Valley Girl Soundtrack. Hey, that reminds me: If you have some of my CD's would you mind returning them? I have a few strays I'm missing.

We’re still planning on arriving and surprising my Grandmother at church on Sunday. Sunday night will be my get together with old friends which should be very pleasant, as long as they all get along and play nice. If you’re reading this and haven’t heard from my Brother and Lillypad please give them a call.

I’ll try to blog from the road but make no promises. (Not sure what kind of connection we’ll have.) I would have taken our laptop but since Fabulous Babe dropped it the trusty thing doesn’t want to charge unless it’s in the docking station. (I think my wife broke a pin in the power plug receptacle which means a new motherboard.) Still it would have been handy. It would have given me an excuse to get the new 2005 version of Streets and Trips that now ships with a nifty GPS doohickey. Then I could use my cell to tell the Indiana State Patrol exactly where the snow bank is that we’re stuck in.

I did get my haircut tonight which had been driving me nuts. Since we're going to be seeing people I had them use a "1" on the clippers instead of my usual "no guard" for the sides and back. I always enjoy it when they ask about my ears because the reply always gets a chuckle: "Whitewall 'em please."

We're running behind on shipping Christmas presents out. Odds are it won't happen tomorrow so I'll just say that some of you will be seeing later arrivals than we would prefer. Please accept my apologies.

Posted by Jim at December 22, 2004 10:09 PM


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