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November 03, 2004

4 Month checkup...

Jack had his 4 month checkup tonight. He's fit as a fiddle and in good shape.

The basics: A whopping 27 and a half inches long, 17 pounds, 5 oz. He's in the off the chart for length and the 100th percentile for head size. Weight is somewhere around 90th I think. All in all a healthy and happy little boy.

Until the shots.

Having to hold my son down while he screams as he gets his shots has to be one of the most unpleasant experiences in a long while. The look in his eyes was of a complete lack of understanding. He just didn't know what was going on or why. All he wanted was for the two people in his life who are constantly there to make the bad situation stop.

Afterwards, when I picked him up, he tilted his head into my neck, little tears running on to my shirt. I whispered all the things I normally do and prayed that, while the words might be meaningless, the sentiment was conveyed none the less.

Posted by Jim at November 3, 2004 11:05 PM


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