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July 19, 2004

Matchmaker Matchmaker make me a match...

My plan to introduce my single and compatible friends has once again met with success. A good time was had this weekend by two of my friends who had a date Saturday night with dinner and dancing.

She: “I’m afraid he thought I was boring!”

He: “I thought she was really great!”

She: “He was really a nice guy!”

He: “This was the best experience in months!”

This is why Hollywood has such a hard time making films I’m willing to watch anymore. They can’t come close to writing dialogue that is as honest, as warm or as much fun as what I heard today. Sure nothing may come of this but at right now it’s like I am Frank Capra and I get to watch Jimmy Stewart and Donna Reed together for the first time.


One of the anonymous duet above called me today and asked me what their date had to do with Jack or Fabulous Babe.

*cough* El Jefe *cough*

I reminded him that since I own the joint I can take a sidebar any darn time I feel like it. So there.

Posted by Jim at July 19, 2004 11:45 PM