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April 11, 2004

Doh! Stupid paint.

When we were shopping for houses two years ago we wanted to find a nice house that was similar to our house in Seattle.

What we found was a new home that seemed to have most everything we wanted. It was a model that had rich, warm colors throughout.


Saturday I started painting the nursery. The "rich, warm color" of the nursery's current paint sucked up the white paint like it was nothing. It took 2-3 coats to even begin to get ahead of it. Within a couple of hours the gallon we bought was gone and still the warm earth tone bled through.

By the time I ran out of paint store was closed. I'll have to go back by some evening this week so that I can get the painting done by weeks end. Foo.

By the way your's truly will NOT be hanging wallpaper. (Good advice Artist's mom.) I intend to let my Mother in Law and wife handle all of that.

Posted by Jim at April 11, 2004 10:45 PM


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