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March 29, 2004

Grand Ma Ma's 80th...

We went to IL this past weekend for Grand Ma Ma's 80th birthday. Like all of these sorts of trips it usually involves 2 days of driving that bracket a day of whatever the activity is.

The main event was on Saturday with a party for Grand Ma Ma. There was not shortage of family and friends and well over 100 people turned out for the event. It was really sweet seeing pictures of her in her teens and noting that she hasn't changed a bit.

Fabulous Babe really hit her stride a week or so ago and there is NO hiding her current condition. (The weekend marked the beginning of the third trimester.) Sure enough Saturday saw numerous people laying hands on my wife's stomach.

Sunday was the drive back. We detoured in Chicago to pick up the Miata and then we wagon trained our way back to MN. It was a long day for both of us and when we got home we were both bushed.

Posted by Jim at March 29, 2004 11:15 PM


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