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February 01, 2004

The Baby Farm

Fabulous Babe and I both work full time. At this point neither of us are planning on staying home with Junior. Our only option at this point is to look to daycare.

Friday afternoon we made our first foray into examining daycare. We visited the local franchise of one of the national daycare establishments: The Baby Farm.

The woman we met was friendly. (She has a child interred there we discovered.) We saw some parents coming and going and then exchanged weird and slightly strange greetings with the staff. We witnessed the sea of white cribs and walked through the day of what Junior would experience were we to begin bringing him there. (Lights always on, music playing in the background, etc.) The tour took about 30 minutes.

The cost? $245 a week. Go ahead and gasp, I did.

The Racetrack neighbors have previously mentioned splitting the cost of a Nanny. I'm 50/50 either way. The Baby Farm has a slightly Orwellian feel to it but is impressively regulated by the state. I'm unsure of a Nanny's licensing and regulation requirements but think it would be a far more intimate experience for the kids.

Fabulous Babe and I both were raised at home. Maybe that is what gives me jitters. My fears aren't rational so much as they are trying to find the best solution to our situation.

Posted by Jim at February 1, 2004 07:43 PM


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