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February 25, 2004

Sleep with the occasional lack of oxygen

Junior is either the next Fred Astaire or Ginger Rogers.

I say this because Junior was practicing his or her dance steps the other night and driving Fabulous Babe up the wall.

We both turned in early last night to catch up on some sleep. Little did we know that Junior had just received the new correspondence courses covering the Foxtrot and Tango. Pretty soon FB was in full thrashing and tossing mode.

At 2:45 she woke me up with "Give me the covers back!"

Around 4 in the morning FB moved the body pillow and it decided to try and crush the life out of me. It was like being trapped in an episode of the old Patrick McGoohan tv series "The Prisoner" where the big white balloon like thing Rover is running down Number 6.

Mercifully my life was spared when FB snatched it back and rolled away with it accusing me of taking it. It bothers me when FB refers to the body pillow as "My Precious!" and clutches it wildly. My beloved wife the closet Gollum. (Much like the little girl the other day at Target.)

After that FB settled into a nice snooze. I on the other had had to begin dealing with Aida who mistook the activity as an invitation to begin head butting me and purring at me as loudly as possible. This only further enraged FB.

A queen sized bed was never meant for a pregnant wife, a body pillow, two cats and husband.


Posted by Jim at February 25, 2004 09:09 PM


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