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February 29, 2004
Candle, both ends, etc.
Friday could not get here soon enough.
The cattle punching was pretty successful. Fabulous Babe and her co-worker, Wonder Woman, seem to have done a pretty amazing job that paid off. Unfortunately the toll was pretty heavy. Exhaustion has been dogging FB's steps for a while and finally caught up by weeks end.
Junior is starting to have regular tango lessons in the evening. Just when FB should be winding down from work she's being pummelled internally.
FB's still exhausted from the hellish hours last week. We both know this but it's a little hard for her to come to grips with sometimes. She snapped at me on Saturday night after some lemonade spilled in the new fridge. (I made the mistake of trying to clean it up and discovered I she wanted to do it.) I know she doesn't mean what she says but Saturday night it was easier to get out of the way. Hell hath no fury like a hormonally fuelled pregnant volcano.
I try to give FB the best support I can manage. From cleaning up the place to making sure the toilet roll spindle never runs dry. (Always stock at least 24 rolls of extra fluffy.) Part of the job is shrugging off the stuff like Saturday night.
I know that this baby is the hardest thing that FB has ever undertaken. I just hope that we get through the next four months without it being any harder on her than it has to be.
Posted by Jim at February 29, 2004 11:26 PM