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January 21, 2004

Getting Pregnant Vol. 6

Eventually the science of making a baby reaches critical mass.

You're taking vitamins. You're now entering the production phase of things only when the cursed test sticks tell you to. You read and re-read the books telling you what to do and when to do it and what to expect if things go the way you want. With each month that passes without a "positive" result you find yourself getting more and more frustrated. You start wondering what is or isn't working and what you can do to fix it.

Of course something that comes up is fertility drugs. Drugs that up your odds. Drugs that also carry the risk of having a multiple birth.

Fabulous Babe is a twin. Considering what she went through to decide to have one child the idea of two was never entertained. Not once.

At the same time she's been following the story of a friend of mine.

They tried for 2 and a half years to have thier first. What began as a labor of love soon became a labor of toil. Their struggle was rewarded with a wonderful little boy.

But they wanted a second.

So about two years ago they went to the doc, started taking some fertility drugs and went at it. Pretty quickly they discovered they were pregnant again.

Eventually they went to their ultrasound and sure enough discovered they were pregnant with their 2nd.

And their 3rd, 4th and 5th.

Yup. Quads. All of which are 19 months old and in great health as I write this.

Fabulous Babe made it perfectly clear: No fertility drugs.

Posted by Jim at January 21, 2004 09:03 PM


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