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December 30, 2003

The mystic powers of Moose Junior.

I can tell you the exact day that Fabulous Babe began thinking about having a baby:

April 10th, 2003.

That's the night that we had dinner at the Moose Lodge in Baltimore.

We were in Baltimore for another friends wedding. The night before the wedding we spent a quiet evening having dinner with Moose and Mrs. Moose, Ms. Moose and Moose Jr.

Moose and I walked over to pick up dinner from their local carryout Thai place and the wives stayed behind. When we got back we found them playing and generally carrying on.

I held Moose Jr. and made silly faces that he seemed to enjoy. (At 5 months old he probably just liked bonking my noggin with his forehead.) Then I handed Moose Jr. to Fabulous Babe.


The strangest look appeared on my wife's face. She had a look of amazement and wonder. I remember getting a chill seeing it. I remember asking her about it later in the hotel room but she didn't have an answer then.

The Moose family dragged out a video camera that night. They taped most of that pre-dinner frolicking. Mr. Moose mentioned that he noticed a weird expression on Fabulous Babe's face as well.

I hope Mr. Moose doesn't erase that tape anytime soon. It wasn't two weeks after that night that we had our first discussion about having a baby.

I'm convinced that Moose Jr. has a mystical power that causes women to want to have children. A strange power that causes drastic changes in the lives he touches. A powerful force that cannot be harnessed.

I owe that kid a beer in about 20 years.

Thanks Moose Jr.

Posted by Jim at December 30, 2003 09:00 PM


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