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April 19, 2007

"I get some nice pictures of Jack's great great grandparents."

Here are some other pictures that my grandmother gave me:


These are my grandmothers parents. I'm fairly certain that this is from their courtship as they were married about a year or so after this was taken. I say this because she's not wearing a wedding ring and they married after he had been in the Army a while. (Somewhere I have this uniform he is wearing.) He was George Washington Hensley and she was Lula Bell Cumbo. They married on August 4th, 1919.


The back of this photo has a few cryptic notes. It's after they were married and the other woman is either "mom's oldest sister" or Emma Ramy who a penciled note adds is "Aunt Lula's girlfriend".

I like this photo for a lot of reasons. It's fun to see a picture of Lula, who I only knew as an elderly widow, as a vibrant young woman. (My best guess is that she was 24 or 25 when this was taken.) It's easy to forget that the elderly were once young and filled with youth and vitality.


This miniature "Our Gang" is my grandmother with her brother and sister. That's my grandmother on the left, Warren on the right and the infamous Beulah or "Bobo" in the middle. Odds are this was about 1928 or so. The short pants inflicted on Warren are nice and Bobo still sits with that expression on her face. Warren died a few years ago and I miss him a lot. He was a great guy.


The one sibling missing out of the picture above is my grandmother's baby sister, Shirley. To fix that here she is at about age 5 with Shirley Temple curls and a smile that she still has to this day. I visited Shirley for a bit last week and she's still just as delightful as ever. (Despite the onset of some serious degeneration in her eyes.)

Shirley is the only person I've ever known who was struck by lightning. (Warren used to say it explained a lot in that manner that only a brother can.) Funny how you remember this stuff. It was Shirley that was the victim of the infamous "Had a great time, here's the bill" story that I told you a while back. Shirley goes by Dee Dee so just remember that when you re-read it.

More old photos to come.

Posted by Jim at April 19, 2007 12:36 AM


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