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March 18, 2007
"Oh joy."
So Jack was taking a nap today and had a level 10 poop emergency in his pants while he was asleep.
Problem was that all he was wearing were a pair of Spider Man big boy underpants and his jeans.
The stench was so bad that I smelled it through his closed door and in the next room. He was blissfully asleep and didn't so much as stir. Go figure.
I got him up, stripped the clothes off, drew a bath and began the de-poopification process. This included hand cleaning his Spidey underwear in the toilet and flushing it three times.
Did I mention the overwhelming stench?
By the end of the process Jack was clean, a load of soiled pants, underwear, sheets and blankets was swirling in the wash and all was right with the world.
Jack's only had a few accidents like this but I always seem to be the one to get them. Lucky I guess.
Posted by Jim at March 18, 2007 04:32 PM