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March 27, 2006

"An American in Parisian fashion."

This is going out in an envelope tomorrow:


My uncle and aunt in VA were kind enough to pick up this outfit for Jack last year when they were in Paris. It has taken a year but now he's big enough to wear the outfit without tripping over the sleeves or cuffs.

It's a handsome pair of pants and shirt but the materials and colors are definitely not the usual fair for what I see day to day here in America. (The pants are wool as an example.) It's actually nice to have Jack wear something that not everyone else has from Gap, Old Navy or Target. (The atrocity of "group dress" as Orwell might have dubbed it.) When I was watching him run around today I thought to myself that I was pleased that he stands out a bit.

I got another couple of shots of him cavorting but none with the teddy bear backpack that came with the shirt and pants. Maybe tomorrow.

Posted by Jim at March 27, 2006 12:43 AM


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