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September 01, 2004

Well, Crap.

Our trusty Digital Camera gave up the ghost this morning. We've had it since May of 2001 and it's served us well. I took some pictures of Fabulous Babe and Jack last night and was getting ready to load them up on my desktop at work today and...


When I got home tonight I tore our filing cabnet apart looking for that scrap of paper: The Best Buy Extended Warranty.

Usually I avoid these things like the plague. However, what I remembered today, was that I had made an exception with our camera. After 20 minutes I found it and sure enough it was a 4 year warranty. Hooray!

It will be two weeks with Best Buy before they will tell us what happens: repair, credit, etc. Until then it's a photo dry spell.

I suppose now might be a time I point over to the left and mutter *tip jar* under my breath.

Posted by Jim at September 1, 2004 10:37 PM


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