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July 06, 2004

Tuesday night update...

So we're home after a LONG day at the hospital.

The tests were fine. The gel treatment went well. The good news that on her own from last Wednesday Fabulous Babe has gone from 0% to 80% and 1 cm. (I'm skipping detail here but you get what you pay for.) This means that with the gel things might move along quickly.

FB has forbid me from bringing the laptop to the hospital so updates once things get going might be rare. Feel free to lobby for the laptop via email or comments. I doubt it will sway her but we can see. I was sore at her for a while but then saw what she had to go through for the gel treatment. Yikes!

She's in bed right now with backaches and contractions. Things may happen or they might just stop. We'll see.

More as it happens on America's number one pregnant redhead news network.

Posted by Jim at July 6, 2004 07:30 PM