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March 03, 2004

Marching orders

I was pretty busy with work today. At one point I bumped into FB's Gym Partner.

"I saw Fabulous Babe today. She was really sick."

"Excuse me?"

"She was really pale. She looked like she didn't feel very well."

This as I was headed to a meeting I couldn't escape. Finally I got a chance to talk to FB. "Everythings fine. I feel better."

FB got her hair cut tonight after work. I beat her home by about a half an hour. When she came through the door her eyes were already having a hard time staying open.

After she ate she struggled to stay awake. Finally around 9:00 I laid out her marching orders:

"Go to bed. You're tired and you need your sleep. I'll be up in a bit."

"Ok. Can you bring me a glass of water?"


Posted by Jim at March 3, 2004 09:47 PM


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