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February 09, 2004

Who are you?

Every once in a while I have a look at the site traffic coming into the website.

In a way it's the only feedback I have. (Since you my dearest readers aren't using any of the comments sections very much at all.) It tells me how often you visit and how long you stay. It tells me a bit about where you work and where you are. (I've racked my brain to figure out who I know in Europe.)

When someone links to here I see a pretty big spike in visits. (Tip of the hat to you.) Same too when I seem to strike a chord with the search engine spiders. (As I type this I am entry 6 on a search of "Barenaked Ladies Ice Palace" on Google.) It may be the closest thing I ever have to fame.

The original purpose and intent of the site was to serve as a means of updating our far flung friends and family. At this point I'm pretty sure the regular readership has now outgrown that by leaps and bounds. The "regulars" are from all parts now and I've almost given up trying to figure out if I know you or not. I'm just glad you stopped by. The more the merrier so don't hesitate to pass the link around.

If you have the time I'll ask some questions: How did you find the site? What do you like? What can I do to make this better? Feel free to email me or post something in the space below.


Posted by Jim at February 9, 2004 10:55 PM


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