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February 18, 2004

Punching cattle

Busy week here at the homestead.

Fabulous Babe has been punching cattle at work pretty late the last few days. (She was at work from 7:30 in the morning until almost 11:00 last night.) She's let herself get run down and is now sick with a head cold. The talking in her sleep is almost legendary. Things went well today with what she was working on so there's some reward.

FB feels so bad that when she crawled into bed tonight I gave her a clue about her upcoming birthday surprise. No details per se. Just a ray of hope that will give her a ray of light at the end of the tunnel:

"It involves travel." "You may need some new clothes."

That's it.

I've been pretty busy with work this week as well. It was a long day today that gave me a headache so bad I could hardly see when I got home. Friday promises to be pretty eventful. Tomorrow I go to the dentist.

Aida and Tosca, our cats, are being pretty chatty. They wander through the house squawking and squeeking and chirping to no one in particular. Odds are its because the level of attention for polecats has declined below the acceptable levels. Tough nuggies.

I did lean down and put my ear to FB's tummy tonight. (A ridiculous mental picture.) I listened but only heard gurgling and complaints that my ear was cold.

Go figure.

It was almost 40+ degrees here today. It's supposed to snow another 6 inches over the weekend but who cares. The weather can do whatever it wants. We here on the frozen midwest tundra got the notice today from the landlord: Keep your chin up citizen. Spring is on the way.

I have things to write up for the site but bear with me, it might be another day or so before I can do it. With FB's work schedule and illness I'm doing more than my normal double duty of work around here.

Posted by Jim at February 18, 2004 11:07 PM


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